Want an excellent mom calendar that will actually get you organized and ahead of the logistics? Our calendar was built by and for busy moms — and is precisely what you need to be prepared with less mental load and more joy!
With a family and a career, do you find it overwhelming to keep up with all the logistics and preparation required to get you and your family ready for holidays, birthdays, and the seasonal bucket list moments? I did! So, I did my research and bought a beautiful Simplified Planned, and as I purchased it, I already felt like a better version of myself. I thought that I would finally be able to get ahead of the logistics of the big and small moments in life with a beautiful planner that I could see and look at. But, BIG SURPRISE it didn’t. Upon reflection, I didn’t need help knowing when Halloween was or have extra space for Birthdays because knowing the date of the event was only one-quarter of the equation.
I really needed help with what Allison Daminger, a Ph. D. candidate in sociology and social policy at Harvard University, defines as Cognitive Labor. She published a paper in the American Sociological Review that breaks down the mental load — “cognitive labor,” in sociological terms — into four parts: anticipate, identify, decide, monitor. [If you want to learn more, Jessica Grose does a great interview with Allison for the NY Times, which we think is a great read Why Women Do the Household Worrying]
What Makes an Excellent Mom Calendar?
The best mom calendar automates and builds in reminders for all the events on your calendar to support you in anticipating, identifying, deciding, and monitoring the subtasks for each event. Recreating this system and level of support would be a lot of organization (and time-consuming) for every mama to do on their own. That’s why we built Moments. We wanted to help busy moms get ahead of the logistics of life to be more fully present to enjoy the time with their family and friends.
Mom Calendars Should:
1. Remove Your Mental Load
The mental load that moms carry is next level. My husband always says to me, “I can see your gears grinding; what are you thinking about?” It’s like, where do I start?! There is always a mental list that, we as moms, are: running through, adding to, and working to accomplish in every free moment. This invisible list can really take a toll on us, wear us down, and not mention lead us to miss something. We believe every mom calendar should be a personalized digital calendar tailor-made for them. So, that’s precisely what we designed for you.
Moments is built off our lifestyle profile. Once you give us a little information, we’ll create a unique calendar that will help you anticipate, identify, decide, and monitor all the events in your wonderful life. We’ll help you in planning a kid’s birthdays, your next vacation, getting ready for Halloween, getting your kids enrolled and prepared for this season’s sport, and whatever else you are looking forward to! Because we focus on the “anticipate” portion of mental load, you can rest assured that we will let you know the minute it’s time to start thinking about your kid’s birthday or when the optimal time to research and book your vacation flights are. That way, you don’t have to continue to remind yourself to remember! Which will free your mind up to be more relaxed and present in the current moment with your family or at work.
2. Have a Framework That Reflects The 4 Parts of Cognitive Labor
Having a calendar framework that gives you a plan – or roadmap – for preparing for your family’s upcoming events is a huge advantage. We’re execution obsessed and will help guide you at each step of the way, helping you be more efficient with your time, have complete control over your events, and allow you to feel that much more engaged and excited about what’s coming up!
Anticipate | wHEN YOU need to start thinking about options before they fill up/SELL OUT/ETC.
- We’ll build in reminders well ahead of time so that you can rest easy and not worry about when to start. We’ll remind you, at the optimal time, that it’s time to start focusing on your kid’s birthday, Halloween, Summer camp, you name it!
Identify | looking into the types of PRODUCTS/SERVICES/BRANDS that will suit Your family’s needs
- Our world is over assorted, leading to decision fatigue, lots of time spent researching with no success, and tons of frustration. That’s why you see all these subscription boxes, etc. popping up, but if you’re anything like us, you want to actually have the control and make the decision; you just want to pick from a highly curated top list of options.
- We sift through the market, do the research, and curate the best brands, services, and products for each event sequence to make your life that much easier at the “identify” stage.
Decide | CHOOSING THE BRAND/PRODUCT/SERVICE — Making the decision
- We’ll nudge you when it’s time to make the decision so that you
- A) Don’t miss making the decision altogether
- B) Don’t buy too late — and have to concede on what you buy because of limited options still available, shipping speed, etc.!
- We’ll nudge you when it’s time to make the decision so that you
Monitor | making sure the kids are signed up and their forms are sent in, SUPPLIES PURCHASED, ETC
- Even after making the decision, there are still so many final details that you have to keep track of to ensure a successful event or start of the milestone.
- We’ll break down the checklists you need to accomplish so that you and your family can focus on getting excited about what’s coming up and not stressed and frustrated because you realize at the last minute you need to pull together these nagging details.
3. Support Delegation + Transparency
- In 2020, 59.8% of married couples with children have both parents employed. Which as we all know is a serious juggling act and requires incredible partnership with your spouse.
- With Moments, all of the sequences and subtasks are documented — which makes pulling in your partner to lead/help at any/all of the stages so easy — you can simply delegate to them (or your kids!) without any resentment, argument, or frustration.
- Men (in our experience!) want to help and be involved, they just aren’t as naturally inclined to even be thinking about all the many things on your radar. Moment’s helps close this gap!!
4. Be a Digital Calendar
- Because as much as we LOVE beautiful paper products, we firmly believe your family calendar needs to live where you already spend the majority of your time – be it Outlook, Google, or iCal. If you are trying to use a paper calendar or family calendar-specific app, something will likely fall through the cracks — or at the very least, you won’t be as efficient with your time as you could possibly be.
Do you agree with us? Get yourself the best mom calendar!
Simply request our free lifestyle profile, + we’ll be in touch. We can’t wait to hear from you!
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